
370z drifting

370z drifting

Monday, December 13, 2010

"If you have sex, you will get pregnant, and die"

After looking at the two websites it is clear that the Pro Life website really tries to give the facts of abortion and tries to scare people into giving them the truth. Surprosingly I did not see almost any religious preachings on the home page. The only thing that was linked to the argument that the fetus should never be killed is that they had a short fact that after 22 days from conseption the fetus' heart starts to beat. On the other hand the Pro Choice website was very informational on the laws and restrictions these laws give the women. For example, they had a link to an article on how there is a new law that will not support women that are under federal health care like in the army or any other federal job to get an abortion. It also talks about the health behind abortions and the concerns. In my opinion this website was much better because it showed how the new laws are really restricting the methods that women can recieve abortions. In my opinion, the women should have the right to chose. Even though it seems like murder it truely is not. First off the baby would not have even existed if it were not for the woman to concieve it so they should have the right to reverse what they have done. However, if the girl is 17 and under they must have a parent consent of just one of the parents. There can be trouble getting both if they are devorced so I believe one is okay. However, letting a 16 year old girl get an abortion by herself seems to be very wrong. Also, there should be no time restrictions for the consent. If they sign the form then they sign the form they shouldnt need the time to stall and have them think it over. I believe the father does not have to be notified because once again that could just start up more problems. For most of these cases of abortion its just an accident that the woman gets pregnant and she feels terrible that she has to kill the baby. Also it is the woman who will have to go through the pregnancy not the man. She will be the one going through 9 months of hell if she doesnt get an abortion not the man. The first law that shows up for Illinois is the abortion ban. It states that there is an unconstitutional and unenforcable law that bans abortions in Illinois. That to me seems stupid. First off if something is unenforcable and unconstitutional then how can it be a law. If a state law goes against the law of the land then it is unjust. To me abortion is the same as using the day after pill which is the same as using birth control which is the same as using a condom. The argument for pro life is that these babies desearve to live since they are alive at conception. But then how far can you take that? Arent they saying that every time a girl has a period or a boy masterbates they are killing a baby then. No that is just a cycle of reproduction. The reason why women have the period cycle is so that they will always have an egg ready and when they are not ready the egg just dies. Let me repeat that WHEN THEY ARE NOT READY THE EGG JUST DIES. That is the same as an abortion when the woman are not ready then the baby dies.