
370z drifting

370z drifting

Monday, November 8, 2010

Die Clifford Die

In my opinion it is not about revenge and whether or not the victums family feels satisfied by the death of Clifford. The reason for execution is so that this does not happen again. If Clifford was allowed back on to the streets then there would definatly be more killing. He even said that he would kill his girlfriend who turned him in. What if he changed you might ask. I believe that he did not change at all. Killing and violence is appart of him. It is in his nature. He was born into a family where his biological mom was a drug adict and alcohalic. There were most likely many different drugs in his system ever since he was in the womb. This could have sparked the anger and aggression that is shown today. Even his mother was extreamly agressive and would beat him. This is a case of Nature over Nurture. I believe that even though he was later rasied by a new calm and loving mother that there was no way of hiding who he truely was, a violent murderer. The hidding even gets worse when he is in prison. When he turns to the bible for help it shows that he is lost and needs help. He tries to use the preechings of the bible as a way to calm his nurves about being excecuted. In the bible, one of the main teachings is that no matter what you do, as long as you ask for forgivness, god will forgive you and accept you. That is exactly what Clifford is looking for. A belief and philosiphy that accepts will accept him and help him hide behind a new religion in order to mask his true anger and aggression. Even in his paintings it is obvious that he is hiding what he truely feels. There is one painting with a very intense picture of a skull hidden behind a pattern of small blocks that would almost fence in his true feelings. The prison is no place for him either. In prison the families and his girlfriend know that he is alive and cannot sleep at night knowing that there is an extremely slim possibility that he might escape and kill them. I for one would feel so much more comfortable knowing that the man that wants me dead is no longer breathing. I also feel that the way that he is killed is way too emotional. When I saw the room where the executions are done I felt sick. It seemed like a normal building that when you walk inside is completely bare and there is a table with straps on it to restrain the killers. In my opinion there needs to be a less formal way for the people to be killed. Unfortunatly I cannot think of anything off the top of my head but seeing the room made me feel that what was being done was terrible and definitly scaring emotinoally. However, this does not change my opinion that the death penalty should be used.

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