
370z drifting

370z drifting

Monday, September 20, 2010

9/11 Issues

There is almost no reason why the building should not be built. If it were to be refused then it would inhibit their first amendment of freedom of religion. In my opinion we should build it and work with the Muslims to create an understanding of each other. As of today if someone asked the American race what comes to mind when someone says Muslim, the answer would definitely be the terrorist hijackings. Commonly, if we were to ask an Iraqi or Afghan what comes to mind when they hear American, the answer would surely be something destructive and powerful. There is no doubt that the understanding of each others culture is extremely limited. This new building would give us a much better understanding of the Muslims. It would also show them that we are not just a conquering nation but are also accepting of other religions and peoples. However, some do say that this would only invite violence and rallies from New Yorkers who were scared from 9/11. Was there not violence and rallies in front of the Little Rock School when the Little Rock nine broke the color barrier? Change is hard but it is necessary. Some people say that building it would be a disgrace to the families who lost their loved ones in the war or on 9/11. If we do not build this building and restore the peace with the Muslims then I believe their lives would have been taken in vain. Why would they want to feel like no change has occurred from this incident. They would want their deaths to mean something and overcome social barriers and prejudice in order to make peace each other.

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