
370z drifting

370z drifting

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Religion

At first I was shocked at how small the percentages were on who knew what the first amendment stood for. Only 60% know that the first amendment garantees the freedom of speech and only 6% of the population know that they have the right to petition. Then if 94% of America dont know that they have the right to petition and give their opinions, then how can the country prosper when our government is based around citizens speaking their mind.
Then I read about evolution and the controversy of whether or not it should be taught in schools. If it was taught, it would give children a different veiw than what thier religion might have told them. This could upset some students and their beliefs. Acording to the seperation of church and state there shall not be any religion taught in school. Therefore, evolution infringes on the peoples freedom of religion and cannot be taught.

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