
370z drifting

370z drifting

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Background research analysis

Science and technology have improved the everyday lives of citizens in America since its beginning in the early years of the country. However, it has improved society in many different ways over time. In the beginning, science and technology was used to invent. Ever since the American Revolution there was a need for a faster way to pick crops and do work more efficiently. It was answered by inventions to improve the efficiency. There were many inventors in science that improved their work with very simple inventions like the cotton gin or the reaper. Many inventors and scientists were “popularizing the concept of applied science as a means of progress” in the nations industries.(science in America) Applied science is the research in science in order to apply the knowledge directly to improving the efficiency of a task or job. America needed these inventions in its early years to establish farms, crops, and especially to help urbanize the virgin land of America. It helped quickly develope a nation's growth in economy and everyday life. However, when America was settled into and the economy was stronger, there was a switch of the scientific research towards the protection of the society. With World War I underway, the American government realized the need for scientific research to provide weapons and technology to help win the war. Unfortunately, the war ended before a lot of progress was made, but America was prepared for World War II. After a long and bloody battle in the pacific to reach the mainland of Japan, the American troops had already lost over 50,000 men not to mention thousands more at the infamous Pearl Harbor. As a result, the American government along with its troops wanted the war to be over. Not to mention the Japanese were known for fighting ruthlessly with their kamikaze attacks. It was because of these factors “that convinced President Harry S. Truman in the summer of 1945 that an invasion of Japan would be tremendously costly for both sides. Another option-the use of the new atomic bomb.“(Background Essay) The new weapon invented by top scientists like Edison and Oppenheimer was the most technologically advanced and most powerful weapon war has ever scene. President Truman believed that the use of the weapon would save lives on both sides of the battle by destroying the dry docks and factories that help support the Japanese troops. In this sence the Americans used technology to defeat the Japaneese technology, the factories. It was not only a war fought by humans with deaths, but a war fought by scientist with technology. This loss of technology from Japan would hopefully lead to their surrender. Unfortunately, there were extremely dramatic results; the two bombs killed over 150,000 Japanese many of whom were citizens who would never pick up a gun. However, the strategy did work; the technologically advance weapon ended up saving countless thousands of American lives by destroying Japan's technologic resources. However, was it worth the cost of the Japanese lives? Japan suffered many deaths, but the U.S. saved countless. After the war thousands and thousands of troops returned home to experience as much excitement and adventure as they had overseas. Science and technology was now focused on the citizens everyday lives again and making them easier and more practical. Some scientists focused on the new crave for transportation, which was the car. The car redefined American transportation by giving people the independence to travel hundreds of miles in just one day. Many car companies took advantage of this by marketing towards the consumers using the open road as an ideal haven for the people. The article on automobiles on ABC-Clio says, “Gasoline was still cheap, new interstate highways had open up, and Americans loved the open road. Singer Dinah Shore urged her countrymen to ‘see the USA in you Chevrolet’ in television jingles.” Chevrolet saw that society loved to use the open roads to see the country more practically than if one was on a train or walking. They knew that people loved the adventure of being free from their little neighborhoods and roaming around other nearby cities. Therefore they used this as a way to market their cars. As a result, cars gave the society a new way to appreciate technology and that was with emotions. Technology is no longer used to make things practical or safe, it is used to make products more enjoyable and appealing. Take for example the hot rods of the 1960’s and the muscle cars that defined Detroit. However, cars not only made society happy, they also bonded people to the road and with each other. The poem, In My Merry Oldsmobile, demonstrates this. For example, the line, “They love to spark in the dark old park as they go flying along” illustrates two different bonds. It can be interpreted two ways. The sparks could be interpreted as the spark plugs of the engine igniting the fuel producing power for them to fly up and down the dark park. The two love the thrill of speed that the car gives them and bond to it with as a result. However, this could also be a metaphor for how the spark plugs ignite the fuel of the engine and the car ignites the fuel for their love. These sparks are the beginning of love between the man and woman. The car sets them free from society and gives them control over their lives. As a result, they bond to one another and share the excitement of the open road. Overall, the car had brought these two lovers together and gave them a way to be alone and appreciate each other. This was not the intent that technology and the scientist making the cars thought would occur. However, many inventions and great things were discovered by mistake, and the car is no different. The technology that made transportation so pleasurable also freed society and introduced them to adventure and individuality.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how you formated this response because it shows why there were certain technological advances at specific times throughout history. It is great that you have a lot of information, but maybe you could intrepret it a little deeper. The atomic bombs during World War I were an incredible scientific advancement, but what were the consequences of it? Were people scared? How was the scientific research frightening the public or affecting the lives of every day citizens? Also, what other benefits did the technology that changed the lives of everyday people have? New techonology changed America throughout time and I think you should show that. We progressed as a country because of all the advancements we made in the science field. I really liked the connection to the poem you made at the end of this entry. I have never heard science and technolgy expressed in that way. Maybe you should talk more about how technology allowed people to be more individuals. You say it a little here but that is a really interesting idea that could sum up basically a lot of this reponse. Good work!
